The Liar - a Wayfarers Ode

I know that my faith is the substance of things hoped for; The evidence of things unseen...

Heavy, oh so heavy Lord,
Is this burden that I carry
It seems that at times I have been lost and alone
Driven by the unseen as a vagabond far from home

There is a tormentor seemingly everywhere
He is a tempter and a destroyer
You Lord, have called me out to something
And yet the tormentor is dismantling everything I know

I pace off the miles, cold and hungry
My soul cries for food and restoration
I am patient
I know that my faith is the substance of things hoped for
The evidence of things unseen; and yet my faith has seen testing

The evil thing paces and pants in the shadows
Bushes and briers snapping under his feet; he too is patient
As this wayfarer walks the path the evil thing who keeps pace in the brambles
Whispers lies to my cold ears as he tramples the former vastness of my earthly life
Yes, oh Lord, he destroys - as he tells me that you desire for me only failure and suffering
He tells me that it is you who is my tormentor and not him
He tells me that I will arrive at my destination damaged; as a cripple and an insane fool
He tells me that all that I do is wrong

Yes, oh Lord, the burden weighs heavy as I move forward into the unseen
I do not look now at what has been broken but instead on what is ahead;
It is night and I cannot see far; but I trust you
I see a light that most cannot see and I follow it
I follow it despite the murmurings of lying, filthy spirits upon my ears
I follow it into the frigid night because Lord, my God, it is your light!
It is a long road home fraught with peril and evil
But I see Your light, yes! Yes!
You are my light and my salvation oh Lord,
You are the truth and the light that leads me home
You, only You, will get me home
Only You will save me from the Liar

Read The Wayfarers in Kindle or paperback.

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