It's Gonna Be a Long, Cold, and Dark Winter


The ALL World Order run by the rising Anti-Christ in Time: A Wayfarers Story

Alias Elvis tunes into AM 63, where he catches a broadcast by pirate radio personality Donny Bee sharing useful nuggets of information:

“Right now, it’s fiat military rule until the regional governors are installed after the transition into the North American Union is finalized. There won’t be any more voting, do you understand? You see that your retirement benefits are now provided by a world financial consortium, right? You see there’s nothing but RYBBCoin, right?

“Are you hungry? I’ll bet you are by golly! Did you prepare all those months ago? Of course, you didn’t, because you thought Uncle Government would provide for you, because after all, you paid into it, right?

“Normalcy bias is like brain damage folks, yessir! You think because you’ve got your Abundant Life digital applique and your roll up your sleever and your ALL phone that everything is taken care of, don’t you? Well, expect consistent outages with the Abundant Life payment system because the real Mark of the Beast is gonna replace it.

“Much of America is being bombed and burned right now, and many of you never saw it coming. You can’t get food, gas, or heating oil, and it’s gonna be a long, cold, and dark winter. Those who listen to the likes of me were ready because we pray and listen to Christ’s Holy Spirit...

Donny Bee has much more to say, and you can read all about it. Check out Time: A Wayfarers Story in Kindle and print on Amazon


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