BOOM! It Blows Up Just Like That


Who would blow Sarah's house up, and why? Read Time: A Wayfarers Story in Kindle and paperback

BOOM! It blows up just like that, and I could’ve been in it. Seriously, what the hell!?”

Slim, 5’4” tall, nineteen-year-old Sarah Marsden was dressed for the cold in a blue ski jacket, blue knit winter hat, blue shooting gloves that were a shade darker than her coat, and jeans. Her feet were togged in white socks and white running shoes. On her back was a blue “bug-out” backpack filled with edibles, bottled water, a slew of necessary supplies, and the comic book telling her story.

Around her neck was a purple bandana with sewn-in dazzler fabric that would cover her face to confuse ALL’s facial recognition software. Despite that purpose, the bandanas represented so much more to those who wore them as part of the Purple Revolt.

Moments before, she had been smiling about that comic authored, illustrated, and left on the Old Erie Canal Towpath by her friend Michael Massey. And then the grim realization truly settled in of what happened to her house and almost happened to her and her friends.

“Why? Why would someone feel the need to blow up my house? The house that was just given to me!” It was the question whispered through lips recently described as “deliciously normal.” The question insisted on an answer as the weight of the situation took minutes to crush the shock and finally weave into her brain. “Someone tell me why” she whimpered, still waiting for the answer.

As she stood on the towpath ninety-nine yards from the end of White Bridge Road in Chittenango, New York, her elbow-length, wavy blond hair blew across and tickled her nose that was “pleasantly pointy with a cute bump.” Watching with eyes “blue as Lake Ontario” as described by the same individual who had had remarked on her lips and nose, she saw the black smoke rise above the leafless trees and hang there as if to mock her...

So, who would blow Sarah's house up, and why? The incident is just the beginning of her adventure, and to discover what becomes of Sarah, check out End-Times, post-apocalyptic, Christian suspense novel Time: A Wayfarers Story in Kindle and print on Amazon


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