The Eye Sees You


A chilling warning painted on a sign from Time: A Wayfarers Story

The signs of the desecration and destruction that were the Reconstruction were everywhere. A sign in front of the Episcopal church across the street read “Christmas Eve Service Cancelled. Happy R-Solstice.” Spray-painted on the public library’s door was come new world savior, each word done in one of the RYBB colors. It seemed that everyone knew the red, yellow, blue, and black, but they had yet to see the figure that would claim to be the god of it.

The police station behind the library had been abandoned after it was trashed by rioters in November. The windows were boarded up, and on one of them was spray-painted WE POLICE
OURSELVES. On another was the upside-town “T” known as a falsum, which was part of the UpTack Security logo.

On yet another section of plywood was a human eye painted by someone with artistic skill. The iris was done in red, yellow, and blue, while the pupil remained black. Below the eye in black paint was the letter C, and below that was U. When combining the eye with the two letters the message spelled out “I see you”, and it was in most part the truth because the beast’s surveillance system saw everything...

The above described scene is from an idyllic American village. Does it sound post-apocalyptic, like the stuff of science, or the present and future reality? Read Time: A Wayfarers Story available in Kindle and paperback on Amazon

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