The Tuesday Night Singer


Some of you have come to listen to my songs that are the antithesis of the pop-culture norm...

*A blog written by a character who appears in the novel The Wayfarers: Revised Edition. Read the book in Kindle, Kindle Unlimited, or paperback, and you'll discover who the singer is.

     It's another Tuesday night at Robbo's Corner Cafe' in Fayetteville, and I'm wearing my black t-shirt with SIGN-UP screen-printed on the chest in white lettering. There's a panoply of pleasant aromas in the air; all relating to coffee, tea, and delectable desserts. I'm the singer, and I'm here to serenade you - and possibly annoy you - while you indulge in caffeinated beverages and sugary delights.
     Some of you have come to listen to my songs that are the antithesis of the pop-culture norm; songs that have earned me the apropos sobriquet of The Psychedelic Conservative. As you listen to me strum and sing, you hear the chord changes and melodies that are influenced by the Beatles, and that's the validation for the "psychedelic" part of the nickname. But, when your ear is bent toward the subject matter of my lyrics, you'll understand from where the "conservative" angle originates. I sing of God, family, personal responsibility, free enterprise, the Second Amendment, and limited government. It's a peculiar dichotomy indeed, and as previously stated, it may annoy or offend some of you. But, while I'd like to tow the line that all you need is love, I'm awake and aware enough to know that life in America is no magical mystery tour culminating in some strawberry fields. Some of you agree with what I sing, and have dropped crumpled dead presidents into the tip bucket by the door. Some of you like it so much that you've purchased a copy of my CD called Mission, or grabbed some download cards. Others have purchased a copy of the CD recorded by the alternative rock band I fronted before going solo, while a handful of you have taken advantage of the two-for deal. No matter your preference, the merchandise is available by the door, and I'd greatly appreciate your patronage!
     Tonight, a bitter, angry customer and her special friend complained to the pretty barista that I have to confess I'm enamored with. The customer didn't like my music and griped that it was too loud; whereby making conversation with her friend impossible. She stated that she wasn't ever coming back, and that she was going to complain to ownership about how "offensive" I am. The aforementioned barista suggested to me that to solve the problem, I should merely turn up the volume!
     My long-running gig as the Tuesday night musical entertainment at Robbo's may be drawing to a close.

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